Блоги по тегу «prof. Arūnas Gumuliauskas»

Pinchos Fridberg to MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas: As a True Lithuanian Patriot, Don’t Let Russia Respond First, Nip It in the Bud
I would like to inform you your colleague Arūnas Gumuliauskas’s dissertation “The Activities of the Lithuanian Communist Party in the Development of the Art of Theater in the Republic (1966-1980)” has been recognized worthy of the degree of doctor of philosophy in independent Lithuania.
Блог Пинхоса Фридберга
The Naked Truth: The Text “Hallelujah to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” Judged Worthy of Doctorate in Independent Lithuania
by professor Pinchos Fridberg, PhD habil. The text of this article exists in three languages, Lithuanian, English and Russian. None of them has managed to get published in the better-known pages of the democratic Lithuanian press.
Блог Пинхоса Фридберга
Nuogas faktas: Nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje tekstas „ Aleliuja TSKP “ buvo pripažintas vertu daktaro laipsnio
Šio straipsnio tekstas egzistuoja trimis kalbomis: lietuvių, anglų ir rusų. Nė vieno iš jų nepasisekė paskelbti žinomuose demokratinės Lietuvos žiniasklaidos puslapiuose.
Блог Пинхоса Фридберга